BMA Industry Resource

Connectivity And Content Streaming Services Plan For The Pan-African Market
Presentation Slide


Connectivity And Content Streaming Services Plan For The Pan-African Market
Presentation Slide


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Summary Of Content:

The 2020 Sentech document on “Connectivity and Content Streaming Services Plan for the Pan-African Market” – presented by Broadcast Media Africa (BMA) – presents a comprehensive plan for connectivity and content streaming services targeting the Pan-African market. It focuses on addressing challenges related to connectivity and high data costs in Africa, proposing innovative solutions like Over-The-Top (OTT) services over IP and Satellite.

Sentech’s strategy involves leveraging existing infrastructure and technologies to provide universal, cost-effective access, even in remote areas. The document emphasises the importance of digital transformation in
media and broadcasting, aiming to enhance content accessibility and affordability across the continent.

Some key points from the resource include:

● Focus on Pan-African connectivity and streaming services.
● Addressing connectivity challenges and high data costs.
● Implementation of OTT services over IP and Satellite.
● Leveraging existing infrastructure for cost-effective access.
● Emphasis on digital transformation in media and broadcasting.
● Aiming for universal access, including remote areas.
● Enhancing content accessibility and affordability in Africa.

Resource Type: Presentation Document
Author:  SENTECH
Source Year: 2020
Year Published To BMA: 2020

BMA Tags / Metadata

  • Broadcast Infrastructure
  • Digital Broadcasting
  • Media Technology Evolution